Welcome to Ljubljana!
On this page you can find the programme and practical info regarding your stay during the Igor Zabel Award 2024 programme.

Please fill out this short questionnaire by Friday, 22 November, to let us know which parts of the programme you will join us for.



20:00  ⁄  About the Igor Zabel Award

Introduction by Ksenija Horvat, moderator

20:05  ⁄  Jury’s statement on the Igor Zabel Award 2020 laureate

Presentation of the Igor Zabel Award 2020 laureate, Zdenka Badovinac by Anthony Gardner, art historian and jury member

20:15  ⁄  Video portrait and conversation with the laureate

Video portrait and conversation with Zdenka Badovinac, Igor Zabel Award 2020 laureate, by Ksenija Horvat, distinguished TV journalist and interview host

20:40  ⁄  Video portraits and conversations with the grant recipients

Video portraits and conversations with the Igor Zabel Award 2020 Grant recipients Ivana Bago, Slavcho Dimitrov, and Katalin Erdődi

21:00  ⁄  Closing words

Boris Marte, ERSTE Foundation
Urška Jurman, Igor Zabel Association


Check-in: after 15:00
Check out: up to 11:00

If your room is ready, you can check in before 15:00. As this is subject to availability, please consult reception staff upon arrival.
Luggage storage is available at the reception desk.


Arrivals & Departures

By plane

Ljubljana Airport (LJU)

also known as Jože Pučnik Airport (Brnik)

Zagreb Airport (ZAG)

also known as Franjo Tuđman Airport

Flight check-in

Please remember to check-in for your flight using your booking code, which you can find on the ticket or booking confirmation sent to your email. You can check-in on the airline’s website or at the airport. For accurate check-in times, please consult your ticket or the airline’s website.
Also, please pay attention to the baggage allowance specified on your ticket, as it may vary depending on your fare type.

Airport transfer

Shuttle provider: Nomago/Goopti
The pickup location and transfer time will be provided individually via text message or email one day before arrival or departure.
Contact: Elena Chirila, production and online communication assistant, +386 40 377 726, +40 771 791 725 (WhatsApp)


You will be notified via text message about the location of the shuttle or the driver will await you at the arrival hall (with either your name on the sign or the Igor Zabel Award sign). The shuttle will take you to your hotel, but if you’d prefer to go to the venue directly, please inform your driver.


The shuttle will pick you up at your hotel 2.5 to 4 hours before your flight’s departure (depending on the airport you will be departing from) unless otherwise agreed upon. We will inform you about the timing and mode of your airport transfer along with relevant contact information.


By car

The hotel is accessible by car.

Secure parking is available in the underground garage for 20 EUR per day (entrance is from the other side of the hotel building on Tavčarjeva street). Available parking spaces are limited, please let us know if you need a parking space in advance.

Alternative parking options can be viewed at Parkopedia.com (Tivoli Car Park/Parkirišče Tivoli is recommended).

Please be sure to save all receipts from road tolls, vignettes, and similar travel-related expenses to and from Ljubljana, in case we have to reimburse your travel costs.

By train or bus

Exit station: Ljubljana

The hotel is within walking distance (less than 10 minutes) of the main train and bus stations, which are adjacent to one another. If you purchased your ticket yourself, please keep it for reimbursement.

Important contacts


Urška Jurman

project manager  ⁄  +386 40 873 360

Hana Cirman

production manager  ⁄  +386 40 471 458

Elena Chirila

production and online communication assistant  ⁄  +386 40 377 726, +40 771 791 725 (WhatsApp)

Lara Mejač

production and online communication coordinator  ⁄  +386 41 268 886

Urška Comino

media  ⁄  +386 31 357 965

Arrivals, departures and accommodation info

Elena Chirila

production and online communication assistant  ⁄  +386 40 377 726, +40 771 791 725 (WhatsApp)



Guest programme


Thursday, 28 November

13:30  ⁄  Lunch

Museum of Modern Art (MG+), Cankarjeva 15  ⁄  Moderna cafe (Google Maps ↗)

15:00–16:30  ⁄  Seminar – Day 1  ⁄  Transformative Cultural Practices

Museum of Modern Art (MG+), Cankarjeva 15  ⁄  Auditorium (Google Maps ↗)

17:30  ⁄  Coffee break

Museum of Modern Art (MG+), Cankarjeva 15  ⁄  Auditorium (Google Maps ↗)

18:00–20:00  ⁄  OHO Film  ⁄  Private screening of the close to final version of the documentary

Museum of Modern Art (MG+), Cankarjeva 15  ⁄  Auditorium (Google Maps ↗)

The OHO Movement and the Group that emerged from it is considered one of the most interesting, complex, and important examples of post-war avant-garde art in the former Yugoslavia and the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The documentary film is the first comprehensive presentation of this inspiring phenomenon that bridged the distance between art and life.
Film director: Damjan Kozole  ⁄  Screenwriter: Urška Jurman, Matic Drakulič, and Damjan Kozole  ⁄  Production: Vertigo and RTV Slovenia

20:00–23:00  ⁄  Dinner

Museum of Modern Art (MG+), Cankarjeva 15  ⁄  Moderna cafe (Google Maps ↗)

Friday, 29 November

10:00–11:30  ⁄  Seminar – Day 2  ⁄  Locally Situated Knowledge Production

Museum of Modern Art (MG+), Cankarjeva 15  ⁄  Auditorium (Google Maps ↗)

12:30–13:30  ⁄  Guided tour  ⁄  Exhibition Constellation of Multiple Wishes: Along the Eastern Horizon

Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM), Maistrova 3 (Google Maps ↗)

14:00  ⁄  Lunch

Saraj, Bohoričeva ulica 1 (Google Maps ↗)

20:30  ⁄  Igor Zabel Award 2024 Ceremony

Sokol House, Tabor 13 (Google Maps ↗)

20:00  ⁄  Welcome drink
20:30  ⁄  Introduction and presentation of the Igor Zabel Award
20:40  ⁄  Jury statements and presentations of the 2024 Grant recipients
21:00  ⁄  Performance by Bowrain
21:10  ⁄  Jury statement and presentation of the 2024 Laureate
21:40  ⁄  Closing words

Saturday, 30 November

10:00–11:30  ⁄  Architectural guided tour with Nonument group

Kavarna Cukrarna (meeting point) (Google Maps ↗)

TGH-48 Car Park, one of the masterpieces of the architect Savin Sever, is characterised by a distinct duality: it is a revered example of quality 1960s architecture and at the same time a neglected and "useless" building. With a sonic ride through the garage, Nonument Group draws attention to the specific structure of the building, which is not only architecturally fascinating, but also, even in its supposedly problematic present, full of vital content and individual improvisations.


Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM)

Maistrova 3 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00  ⁄  Entrance fee: 5 EUR  ⁄  reduced: 2,5 EUR

Constellations of Multiple Wishes: Along the Eastern Horizon

The exhibition focuses on deliberations on other Easts, beyond past colonial divisions, historical narratives and political alliances. Setting up a dialog among archival materials, existing works and contemporary commissions, the works in this exhibition explore past imaginaries and words yet to be enacted, trace shared experiences, consider relationships and borderlines that have since been dissolved and that continue to displace.

How to Go On?

The selection of works from Arteast 2000+ for the new, refreshed exhibition of the collection addresses the question: How to go on? This is all the more relevant as the collection was conceived in the 1990s, when events such as the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Eastern Bloc, and the breakup of and wars in Yugoslavia, reshaped the political, economic and cultural landscape of the East. The radical changes of that decade were so profound that their consequences continue to haunt us to this day. So what is left of the idea of Eastern Europe more than 30 years after the end of the Cold War?


Poljanski nasip 40 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00  ⁄  Entrance fee: 8 EUR  ⁄  reduced: 6 EUR

With the opening of Cukrarna Gallery in September 2021, the Slovenian capital has gained a new space that serves both as a venue for exhibiting contemporary art and as a place where thoughts can be explored and contemporary art projects of all kinds – visual, intermedia, performance, sound, music and more – can be created and presented.

Layering | Collage and Assemblage in Contemporary Slovene Art

The exhibition Layering includes works by selected Slovenian artists of all generations who have employed the techniques of collage and assemblage from the late 1970s to the present.

Nicolás Lamas: Scenarios for Coexistence

Nicolás Lamas’ artistic practice draws on a multidisciplinary exploration of the relationship between man, nature, and technology. The exhibition consists of a selection of works created during the last decade along with the most recent productions. Its layout takes the form of a peculiar archaeological site featuring the remains of building structures, epitaphs of progress and, most certainly, the life, which always finds its way.

Nika Autor: Ecologies of Solidarity - Newsreels of Tomorrow

A selection of six video essays and films by Slovenian artist Nika Autor is the second in the series of moving images and will be screened at three intervals. As co-founder of Newsreel Front (Obzorniška fronta), a collective of creators working across film, visual arts and cultural and political theory, her art practice primarily reflects on topical social issues. She reveals glimpses of the often-overlooked aspects of everyday human life, giving a voice to the unheard and a face to the unseen.

DobraVaga Gallery

Adamič-Lundrovo nabrežje 5 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Monday–Saturday: 9:00–18:00

An exhibition and project space, gallery and open studio that actively promotes contemporary visual art by younger artists.

Tinta Comics Festival | UKMUKFUKK

The team behind Hungary’s Ukmukfukk zine festival takes us on a journey into the fantasy realms of contemporary Hungarian artists at the Ethereal Landscapes exhibition. The exhibition showcases the power of imagination, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, while affirming the core principles of Ukmukfukk: creativity, experimentation, playfulness, self-expression, and a DIY ethos.

Galerija Fotografija

Trubarjeva cesta 72 (entrance from Petkovškovo nabrežje) (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Monday–Friday 10:00–19:00; Saturday 10:00–14:00

A private gallery dedicated to fine art photography and a specialised bookshop devoted to the most recent titles in the field of photography, both from Slovene and international authors.

Tereza Kozinc & Hannah Schemel

Tereza Kozinc’s more recent work is influenced by her recent motherhood and feminism, intertwining the roles of mother and artist, but remaining at its core in the artist's style. The darkroom became her core room, her womb. As part of her current research work, Hannah Schemel is looking at the subject of transgenerational trauma in an attempt to better understand her own inner landscape. The subject of this research includes the concept of the epigenetic landscape, collective memories, traces of the Second World War and other aspects.

Aksioma – Project Space

Komenskega 18 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Monday–Friday 12:00–18:00

Aksioma – Project Space ​presents various artistic practices and diverse new media art projects which aim at hacking the role of mass media in contemporary society through various mediums interpreting the narratives in a subversive, critical, or ironic manner.

Swamp Matter: The Stones Only Appear To Be Non-Living

Swamp_Matter consists of Eva Garibaldi and Ana Laura Richter. They are interested in ecological topics and the impact of the Anthropocene on ecosystems. Their practice examines the relationship between humans and nature in the context of geological time through marginal and capitalistically unproductive landscapes like swamps and caves. They create spatial installations interwoven with digital media, interlaced with speculative fiction.

Škuc Gallery

Stari trg 21 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Tuesday–Sunday: 12:00–19:00

The focus on regional and local developments represents a significant segment of the Gallery’s programme. Still, at the same time, its involvement in the international cultural industry has become a growing part of its programme.

Maja Bojanić: Institute for Mould Preservation. First examples of entanglement

The Institute for Mould Preservation (IfMP) is opening its new spaces to the public, presenting current research being developed in collaboration with the Advanced Post-Conservation Studies University Programme. The researchers, scientists and writers are dedicated to sustainable methods of conservation and co-creation with natural decay processes. For the first time, a humidification chamber will also be made available for public use, which enables mould to absorb more moisture through the presence of human bodies.

Ravnikar Gallery Space

Vošnjakova 4 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Wednesday–Saturday: 12:00–19:00

Ravnikar Gallery is a contemporary art gallery dedicated to the presentation and promotion of visual culture by both Slovenian and international artists.

Meta Drčar & Bart Lunenburg: Annotations

Although both artists primarily work in different formats, mediums and materials, they share a common characteristic of extracting from architecture rather than only adding to it. The multidisciplinary exhibition works as a large, interconnected spatial installation; firstly, it is to be understood as a conversation between the two artists, their separate practices and polarity of warm and cold, hard and soft, light or heavy materials.

Lara Reichmann: Disposable Bodies

The starting point of the exhibition is the phenomenon of the Women Astronomical Computers, a group of often anonymous women who combed the night sky and mapped and classified the stars via astronomical photographic glass plates at the Harvard Observatory in the late 19th century. The artist guides visitors through the deconstructed remains of satellites, while gradually dissolving the physical body of the stargazer and fusing it with computer software to speak about the passage of the multiplicity of human bodies into the mechanical system of the virtual.

Jakopič Gallery

Slovenska cesta 9 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00  ⁄  Entrance fee: 3 EUR  ⁄  reduced: 2 EUR

A gallery staging extensive exhibitions of works by photographers of global renown and comprehensive exhibitions of works by prominent Slovenian photographers.

OUR CLAIM | Slovenian Protest Photography 2020–2022

Photography remains the key tool for documenting important social movements because, despite the challenges of the digital era, it maintains the position of a witness and the ability to tell stories. The exhibition Our Claim: Slovenian Protest Photography 2020-2022 presents the period marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrations across Slovenia and highlights the role and meaning of photography in recording social events and valuing of our common heritage.

MGLC Švicarija

Tivoli Park, Pod Turnom 4 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00  ⁄  Entrance fee: 6 EUR  ⁄  reduced: 3 EUR

MGLC Švicarija is an international residency centre and support for cultural mobility, a centre for production and creativity, a centre for knowledge exchange and a model for the revitalisation of cultural heritage.

Antonio Pichillá: The Offering

The guiding thread of the exhibition The Offering is the art of weaving, demonstrating that spirituality is an inherent part of artistic materiality. Through appropriation, performativity and abstraction, the artist connects Maya rituals and customs that have long remained hidden, disclosing the value of ancestral knowledge as a symbol of resistance and the dignity of one's identity.

Museum of Modern Art

Cankarjeva 15 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00  ⁄  Entrance fee: 5 EUR  ⁄  reduced: 2.5 EUR

20th Century. Continuities and Ruptures | A selection of works from the national collection of Moderna galerija

The 20th Century. Continuities and Ruptures exhibition breaks with traditional linearity by introducing the topics of the 20th century avant-gardes and of the art of the Partisan resistance, bringing them into the national history of art on an equal footing with more familiar trends and, as a consequence, casting new light on the latter.

MAO – The Museum of Architecture and Design

Fužine Castle, Rusjanov trg 7 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00  ⁄  Entrance fee: 7 EUR  ⁄  reduced: 3,5 EUR

Founded in 1972 as the Architectural Museum Ljubljana, thus making it one of Europe’s oldest museums of architecture and design, MAO is today an example of the transformation of a museum into a dynamic institution with new functionalities.

28th Biennial of Design | Double Agent Do You Speak Flower?

This year’s biennial represents an important milestone in sixty years of development in the field of design. Political, bold, vibrant, and provocative, Double Agent: Do You Speak Flower? examines the figure of floriography, a code hidden within flowers to transmit secret information. The core of this transdisciplinary and multifaceted exhibition scrutinizes the pivotal role of floriography used by women to portray their identities. In that sense, flowers pave the way for antagonistic and alternative interpretations of both the meanings and the context in which they are decrypted.

Photon – Centre of Contemporary Photography

Trg prekomorskih brigad 1 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Monday–Friday: 12:00–18:00  ⁄  Entrance fee: 1 EUR

Photon Gallery was founded in Ljubljana in 2003 to present and promote photo-artists from Central and South-Eastern Europe. It regularly shows work by both established artists and young emerging photographers.

Unadapted observes. Outsiders and outlaws

During socialism, the status, function, and aesthetics of photography were remarkably similar across all former socialist countries. In the Central European countries that were part of the socialist bloc, there was a unique collective organization in photography as well. Most photographers worked within a system of photo clubs, while some, albeit few, worked entirely independently. Some worked independently due to their specific approach to creation, while others did so due to censorship or even bans on their work. The focus is on the specific approaches of artists who, either by their own choice or due to exclusion by the regime, stood out from the mainstream of photographic creativity in former socialist countries. Artists: Andrzej Baturo, Vladimir Birgus, Stane Jagodič, Gábor Kerekes, Rudolf Sikora, Jindrich Streit, Janos Szasz, Balint Szombathy.

The City Museum of Ljubljana

Gosposka 15 (Google Maps ↗)  ⁄  Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00  ⁄  Entrance fee: 8 EUR  ⁄  reduced: 7 EUR

The City Museum of Ljubljana records, collects, documents, evaluates, preserves, interprets, researches, and presents the material and immaterial heritage from the area of Ljubljana and the city's wider surrounding area, dating from Prehistory to the present day.

From Corset to Jacket: How the People of Ljubljana Dressed, 1850–1950

The exhibition on significant changes in the world of clothing opens the doors to the world of dressing as a distinct form of communication, revealing societal shifts and individual milestones that influenced the decisions of our ancestors on how to dress.

Spaces of movement: 40 years of Ljubljana’s LGBT Community

On the spaces for gathering, support, and organized advocacy of the LGBT movement, which have been shaping the urban culture and social life of the capital for 40 years.